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Defining a process

Basic attributes of a process

There are two ways to instantiate a process:

from pyppl import Proc
p = Proc(id = 'pXXX', tag = 'tag', desc = 'description', <other attributes>)
# or
p      = Proc()   = 'pXXX'
p.tag  = 'tag'
p.desc = 'description'
# ...
# or you can even combine them:
p = Proc(id = 'pXXX', tag = 'tag')
p.desc = 'description'


If id is not specified, it will be inferred from the variable name. For example:

p = Proc()
# then == 'p'

Set arguments of a process

It is a dict used to set some common arguments shared within the process (different jobs). For example, all jobs use the same program: bedtools. but to make the process portable and shareable, you may want others can give a different path of bedtools as well. Then you can use pXXX.args:

pXXX = Proc()
pXXX.input = {"infile1:file, infile2:file": [("file1.bed", "file2.bed")]}
pXXX.output = "outfile:file:{{i.infile1 | fn}}.out"
pXXX.args = {"bedtools": "/path/to/bedtools"}
# You can also do:
# pXXX.args.bedtools = "/path/to/bedtools"
pXXX.script = """
{{args.bedtools}} intersect -a {{i.infile1}} -b {{i.infile2}} > {{o.outfile}}
That's NOT recommended that you put it in the input channel:
pXXX = proc()
pXXX.input = {"infile1:file, infile2:file, bedtools": [("file1.bed", "file2.bed", "/path/to/bedtools")]}
pXXX.output = "outfile:file:{{infile.fn}}.out"
pXXX.script = """
{{bedtools}} intersect -a {{infile1}} -b {{infile2}} > {{outfile}}
Of course, you can do that, but a common argument is not usually generated from prior processes, then you have to modify the input channels. If the argument is a file, and you put it in input with type file, PyPPL will try to create a link in <indir>. If you have 100 jobs, we need to do that 100 times or to determine whether the link exists for 100 times. You may not want that to happen.


When use a key with dot . in pXXX.args, we should use {{args[key]}} to access it.


PyPPL uses Diot (from diot) to allow dot to be used to refer the attributes. So you can set the value of args like this:

pXXX.args.bedtools = 'bedtools'

Set the processes current process depends on

A process can not only depend on a single process:

p2.depends = p1
but also multiple processes
p2.depends = p1, p0
To set prior processes not only let the process use the output channel as input for current process, but also determines when the process starts to run (right after the prior processes finish).


You can copy a process by p2 = p.copy(), but remember depends will not be copied, you have to specify it for the copied processes.

When you specify new dependents for a process, its original ones will be removed, which means each time pXXX.depends will overwrite the previous setting.

All avaiable attributes for a process

Attribute Meaning Possibile values/types Default value Where it's first mentioned
id The id of the process str <the variable name> Link
tag The tag of the process, makes it possible to have two processes with the same id but different tag. str "notag" Link
desc The description of the process. str "No description"
input The input of the process dict/list/str Link
output The output of the process list/str/OrderedDict Link
script The script of the process str Link
lang The language for the script str "bash" Link
cache Whether to cache the process True, False, "export" True Link
runner Which runner to use str "local" Link
ppldir The directory to store <workdir>s for all processes in this pipeline str "./workdir" Link
workdir The work directory of the process str "<id>.<tag>.<uid>" Link
template The name of the template engine str PyPPL Link
envs Environments for the template engine dict Link
dirsig Get the modified time for directory recursively (taking into account the dirs and files in it) for cache checking bool True Link
errhow What's next if jobs fail "terminate", "retry", "ignore" "terminate" Link
errntry If errhow is "retry", how many time to re-try? int 3 Link
nthread Number of theads used for job construction and submission int min(int(cpu_count() / 2), 16) -
args The arguments for the process dict {} This chapter
depends The processes the process depends on proc/list This chapter