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Pipeline configuration

There are a couple of ways to configure PyPPL:

  • Load configuration dictionary before you start writing your pipeline
from pyppl import load_config
# you will need profile names
load_config({'default': {'forks': 10}})

# you awesome pipeline goes here
  • Load configuration file before you start writing your pipeline
# pyppl.toml
forks = 10
from pyppl import load_config
# you will need profile names

# you awesome pipeline goes here

By default, PyPPL will load the configurations from ~/.PyPPL.toml, ./.PyPPL.toml and environment variables that start with PYPPL_.

!!! hint

  `PyPPL` uses [`toml`]( as configuration language.
  • Specify configuration at runtime
from pyppl import PyPPL

PyPPL(config = {'default': {'forks': 10}})
# too complicated? use kwargs:
PyPPL(forks = 10) # it will automatically be profiled as default
# You can also load configuration from file at runtime
PyPPL(config_files = ['pyppl.toml'])
PyPPL(logger = {'level': 'debug'})
# still too complicated? use a underline to connect the item and sub-item:
PyPPL(logger_level = 'debug')

!!! note

  Some configuration items can be overridden by running configurations, some can't.

  1. If a configuration item is set as a `Proc` property explicitly, it won't be overridden:
     pXXX.forks = 20
     PyPPL(forks = 10)
     # will not change forks of pXXX
     # pXXX.forks == 20

     # But if forks is initialized in construct
     pYYY = Proc(forks = 20)
     PyPPL(forks = 10)
     # pYYY == 10
  2. If a configuration item is a dictionary, it will be updated
    pXXX.envs.a = 1
    pXXX.envs.b = 2

    PyPPL(envs_a = 3)
    # pXXX.envs == {'a': 3, 'b': 2}
  3. Otherwise, properties for ALL processes in this pipeline will be overwritten by the runtime configurations.

Full configurations

dict(default = dict(
	# plugins
	plugins = ['no:flowchart', 'no:report'],
	# logger options
	logger = dict(
		file       = None,
		theme      = 'green_on_black',
		level      = 'info',
		leveldiffs = []
	# The cache option, True/False/export
	cache      = True,
	# Whether expand directory to check signature
	dirsig     = True,
	# How to deal with the errors
	# retry, ignore, halt
	# halt to halt the whole pipeline, no submitting new jobs
	# terminate to just terminate the job itself
	errhow     = 'terminate',
	# How many times to retry to jobs once error occurs
	errntry    = 3,
	# The directory to export the output files
	forks      = 1,
	# Default shell/language
	lang       = 'bash',
	# number of threads used to build jobs and to check job cache status
	nthread    = min(int(cpu_count() / 2), 16),
	# Where cache file and workdir located
	ppldir     = './workdir',
	# Select the runner
	runner     = 'local',
	# The tag of the job
	tag        = 'notag',
	# The template engine (name)
	template   = 'liquid',
	# The template environment
	envs       = Diot(),
	# configs for plugins
	plugin_config = {},


For plugins and logger configurations:

  1. They should be ALWAYS specified in profile default
  2. plugins can only affect plugins APIs at runtime if configrations passed at runtime. For example, if a plugin only runs at Proc definition, it won't be affected by runtime configurations